Mount Bromo

Visit Mount Bromo for Free! Your Ultimate Budget Travel Guide

Mount Bromo, with its breathtaking sunrises and ethereal volcanic landscapes, is a dream destination for many travelers. Nestled in East Java, Indonesia, this active volcano is often perceived as a costly excursion.

However, it’s entirely possible to experience the majesty of Mount Bromo without spending a dime. This guide will walk you through how to visit Mount Bromo for free, ensuring an unforgettable adventure. If Mount Bromo is still not on your bucket list, make sure to put it on it!

When we say you can visit Mount Bromo for free, it’s the entrance fee and the Jeep tour you don’t have to pay for. You still have to pay for accommodation and the entrance fee to Cemoro Lawang (IDR 30,000).

Can You Visit Mount Bromo for Free?

Absolutely! While most tourists opt for organized tours which come with a price tag, savvy travelers can explore Mount Bromo independently and at no cost. You also avoid the crowds, win-win!

Disclaimer! The path to enter for free is not guaranteed. Some people were stopped, but when they walked back later it was okay. It’s legal to go the path, it’s just a path where there happens to not be a ticket booth. The path has been used for years, so it’s pretty safe that it will work for you too 🙂 But don’t be disappointed if you have to pay, you still save around IDR 600,000 for not going with the Jeep and there are fewer crowds!

Starting Your Adventure- Visit Mount Bromo for Free

I walked to see the sunrise in the morning, then to the volcano, and then I walked back again over the sea of sand back to my hotel. But you can also go with a motorbike taxi for some of the parts. Especially in the morning if you want to sleep longer.

Sunrise at King Kong Hill Viewpoint

The iconic Bromo sunrise can be viewed from several sunrise points, but not all of them are always open. Ask at your hotel the night before, you can also stop a little before the official viewpoints and find some quiet spots to avoid the crowds. Use MAPS.ME both for the sunrise viewpoints, but also for finding the path where you don’t have to pay the entrance fee.

I started walking around 03:00 am and arrived after about 1 hour and 20 minutes. But I walked fast because I thought I was in a rush. The Sunrise was at 05:00, but check when sunrise is the night before. It’s easy to find a motorbike if you want a taxi, but it will not drive you all the way up. If you want a taxi it’s best to arrange it the night before.

After the sunrise, it’s time to stop for coffee and breakfast! along the way down, and up they sell some sweets, food, and coffee/tea. You’re not in a rush, especially if you want to avoid the crowds at the volcano crater.

Walking to Mount Bromo Volcano crater – For free!

It’s the same when you’re going down, you can take a motorbike taxi instead of walking. Most of the drivers know about where the exit for the path is when you want to enter for free. But make sure you download the map of Cemoro Lawang on before you go so you are sure you’re going the right way!

I walked 24,400 steps that day, it was warm, and a lot of sand walking in, so I sure slept well that night. You can avoid walking so much by taking a motorbike.

Walk in where you see the sign to Cemara Indah. In the gallery, you can also see the picture with the route on, make sure to use when going to Mount Bromo! As soon as you walk in here, keep to the right, then you walk down a hill.

When you’ve walked down the hill you will soon see the Jeeps driving, and Mount Bromo.

Hiking to the crater rim of Mount Bromo is an exhilarating experience that doesn’t cost anything. After you’ve seen the crater its time to walk back. You will be offered horse rides, don’t do that. But you’ve had a long day and saved money, so consider taking a motorbike back! I walked the road back, that was very hot and exhausting.

Essential Packing List for a Free Visit

When embarking on a free visit to Mount Bromo, packing right is crucial:

  • Headlamp: Essential for early morning hikes.
  • Appropriate Clothing: Dress in layers to adapt to the changing temperatures.
  • Water and Snacks: Stay hydrated and energized.
  • Sturdy Footwear: Ensure a safe and comfortable hike.
  • Camera: Capture the stunning scenery.
  • Navigating Your Return: Walking or Biking Back, make sure to use MAPS.ME (its an free map app).

Returning from Mount Bromo can be done in the same way you arrived. If you walked or biked to your viewing spot, simply retrace your steps. Always keep safety in mind, especially if you’re walking back in the dark after a sunrise viewing.

Cost Breakdown: How Much Does It Actually Cost to Visit Mount Bromo?

While the journey and entrance to certain areas of Mount Bromo can be free, there are potential minimal costs you might incur, such as local transport or snacks. However, these costs are significantly lower compared to organized tours.

The Independent Explorer – Visiting Mount Bromo Without a Guide

Exploring Mount Bromo without a guide is not only feasible but also incredibly rewarding for the independent traveler. It allows for a personal and intimate experience with nature, away from the constraints of a structured tour.

This is just the guide for visiting for free, read our full article for exploring Mount Bromo!

Visiting Mount Bromo for free is an adventure that speaks to the heart of budget-conscious and independent travelers. With careful planning and a spirit of adventure, you can witness the breathtaking beauty of Bromo without spending a fortune

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