Komodo Island Dragon and National Park Tour From Labuan Bajo

Komodo Island in Flores, Indonesia is not just a destination; it’s an escapade into the wild, home to the legendary Komodo dragons and some of the most awe-inspiring landscapes on the planet. In this guide, I delve deep into my experience with the Komodo Island National Park and Dragon Tour, offering insights and essential information to help you plan this once-in-a-lifetime journey. And at last, I ask the question, was it worth it?

If you’re not already in Labuan Bajo you have the option of going on the 3-night, 4-day boat tour from Lombok or Bali, you can find out in our guide for how to get to Komodo here. Since I was already in Labuan Bajo, my main option was to go with the slow boat or fast boat.

Why I Decided to Go With The Slow Boat From Labuan Bajo

For me it was easy to choose, the slow boat stopped at the places I wanted to see, and it was cheaper. To compare prices it’s important to know what you are getting. With the slow boat, you go to Padar Island, Komodo Dragon, white beach, and Manta Point. Most of the speedboats do the same, but you can also book a speedboat for a private tour.

I had the whole day and wasn’t in a rush, therefore the choice was easy for me. In the picture below you see us getting passed by the fast boat. We started at 6 in the morning, and we were back 10 hours later.

Choosing a Tour Company For the Komodo Island Trip

I stayed in La Boheme hostel in Labuan Bajo, they offered trips by slow boat or fast boat, and a lot of other activities! I decided to go for a walk in the very nice town. After a bit, I found one shop that offered the tour for IDR 550.000, plus an entrance fee. The tour included snorkeling gear, lunch, and free water/coffee. It was around IDR 250.000 cheaper than at the hostel.

What is the entrance fee for Komodo National Park? I was very confused because nobody could tell me, I later found the reason why. My tour operator told me to bring IDR 300.000 – 350.000 for the entrance fee. The reason they don’t know exactly in advance is because it depends on how many people there are on the boat. The tour company has to pay a ranger and guides on Komodo Island if you are few people then each of you will have to pay more in entrance fees. The company I went with was Komodo Flores Explorer.

Komodo National park entrance

Planning Your Day Trip from Labuan Bajo: The Slow Boat Experience

The journey to Komodo Island often begins with a slow boat from Labuan Bajo, a quiet fishing town on the western tip of Flores Island. The slow boat is an experience in itself, offering stunning views of the Flores Sea and its islands.

What To Bring For Your Komodo Trip? Seeing the Komodo Dragons is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most people, so bring your best camera! Also, bring a GoPro if you have one for snorkeling. You will need a lot of sun cream! There was some shade on the boat, but not all the time. Also, bring cash for the entrance fee and the gift shop! They had some cool souvenirs.

We started the day at 5:30 am and headed to Padar Island.

First Stop – The Majestic Padar Island

Padar Island, often the first stop on the tour, is renowned for its dramatic hills and panoramic views. A moderate hike to its summit rewards you with breathtaking vistas of the coastline and surrounding islands. Early morning is also ideal for photography, capturing the island’s rugged beauty in the best light.

The walk-up took around 15 minutes, it was hot! but the views here are amazing and I’m very happy the tour included a stop here.

Encounter with the Komodo Dragons on Komodo Island

Komodo Island, the heart of the National Park, is where you come face-to-face with the fabled Komodo dragons. Walking alongside a knowledgeable guide, you learn about these fascinating creatures in their natural environment.

I have a hard time believing that the dragons we saw are the same ones that go around freely. It was super cool to see them, but I had a feeling they were put in their locations for the tourists to spot them at the same locations every day. It’s only a tiny part of the island we walked around in, and you can’t walk anywhere else than the path. They say it’s not guaranteed that you see the dragons, but the guide said it’s 99% guaranteed.

The Komodo Dragons were still worth seeing for me, just because they’re so unique. But yes, I got a feeling that it was just a display for tourists. You also wait in line with lots of people to get a picture of the dragons. At some point we were probably 30 people waiting in line, so many of the Instagram photos you see are not the truth.

Exploring the Pink Beach – A Tropical Paradise

Pink Beach is a marvel with its blush-tinted sand and crystal-clear waters. It’s an idyllic spot for snorkeling, revealing vibrant underwater life in the coral reefs. The beach gets its unique color from red coral fragments mixed with white sand, creating a surreal and picturesque landscape.

It was not very pink when I was there, but still special and nice to see. The snorkeling here was very nice, and there were few people!

Swimming With Manta Rays – A Snorkeling Adventure

The waters around Komodo Island are known for their manta ray populations. Snorkeling in these waters offers a chance to swim alongside these gentle giants. It’s an unforgettable experience, to observe their graceful movements in the clear blue sea.

I think this could be one of the negative things about taking the slow boat. We were just told to jump out of the boat and try to find Manta Rays, there weren’t any πŸ™ The crew members stayed on the boat the whole time, so it was just up to us.

Not seeing Manta Rays here is quite common. I went scuba diving another day to almost the same spot and we saw lots of them. I think going with the fast boat will increase your chances a bit of seeing Manta Rays, especially if they have a guide for it.

Should You Go With The Slow Boat or Foast Boat to Komodo Island?

I was very happy with the slow boat tour. Lunch was served after the Komodo tour, so bring your own breakfast and fruit! Of course, seeing Manta Rays would have been great, and with a more competent guide, it would have been a much bigger chance.

Going with the fast boat is more expensive, but it’s faster. If you don’t have so much time then be aware that the slow boat is a full day trip. Some of the fast boats also visit more spots, but that depends. You should also ask if they have a guide for the Manta spot.

Is the Trip Worth It? Weighing the Experience

Reflecting on the entire experience, the Komodo Island Dragon Tour is more than worth it. The encounter with the Komodo Dragons, the stunning natural landscapes, and the thrill of adventure make this tour a must-do. However, it’s essential to go with realistic expectations.

Essential Tips for a Successful Komodo Island Tour

Booking the Tour: Choose a reputable tour operator with positive reviews for safety and conservation practices.

Dealing with Climate: Be prepared for hot and humid conditions; stay hydrated and protected from the sun.

FAQs About the Komodo Island National Park & Dragon Tour

Best Time to Visit: The dry season from April to December is generally considered the best time to visit.

Tour Package Options: Packages vary from basic day trips to multi-day tours including accommodation and meals. From Labuan Bajo your choices are a slow boat, fast boat, or a private boat.

Conservation Efforts: The park is part of conservation efforts to protect the Komodo dragons and their habitat, and your visit contributes to these efforts. Komodo National Park is managed by the central government of Indonesia according to UNESCO.

Embarking on a trip to the Komodo Island National Park and Dragon Tour is no ordinary adventure. It’s a journey that will bring you closer to the marvels of nature, leaving you with a lifetime of cherished memories and stories to tell.

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